加入我们,与独立电影制片人阿里克斯·马迪根(Alix Madigan)一起参加我们的第一个顾问问答环节研讨会。这种亲密的对话将探讨如何通过研究Alix作为奥斯卡奖提名电影制片人的角色来制作电影,冬季的骨头。了解电影制片人的整体责任,在业务中取得成功所需的技能以及她作为电影制片人从预生产到发行的创造性和战术决定。通过镜头冬季的骨头,我们将深入研究如何为您找到和开发合适的项目,确定您的主要合作者,来源融资,生产过程中的挑战以及制作团队如何制定电影的营销计划及其最终的圣丹斯电影节和最终道路奥斯卡舞台。

Alix produced WINTER’S BONE, directed by Debra Granik and starring Jennifer Lawrence, which was the winner of The Grand Jury Prize for best dramatic feature at the Sundance Film Festival in 2010. The film also received four Academy Award nominations, including best picture, and won The Gotham Award for Best Picture and two Independent Spirit Awards. Alix was a staff producer for Anonymous Content and has worked at various companies including Propaganda Films and Avenue Entertainment. She serves on the board of Film Independent and is a member of AMPAS. 更多的...
