

这是一个故事的灵感来自我自己的生活经历。怎样算一个家庭?如果女族长把这组血液关系连接在一起,她死后会发生什么?家庭解散吗?哥哥和姐姐住3000英里从一个另一个,不知道对方现在的成年人。照顾妈妈是他们的共同点。成长于一个“破碎的家庭”美国儿童。性别是如何决定他们的选择是什么?他们照顾妈妈是一种义务,还是真正的爱?老母亲希望在她死之前什么? She has been a feisty, independent trailblazer most of her life, and now must submit to the assistance of caregivers. The frustration of losing her independence, and her need for others makes her angry. The daughter embarks on learning to knit under the skilled tutelage of her mother. What other lessons will she share with her daughter? And what will her daughter discover in this process? The son who returns to the city of his youth will have an opportunity to make peace with his past, and his truncated relationship with both his mother and his sister. Will this be the beginning of the healing of a “broken family” or a deeper divide between the siblings?


警察与她开始她的电影生涯获奖故事短,粉红色,分布在凤凰城的电影。她有制作和导演,编辑,写,和无数电影和录像研究项目在过去的25年。一些亮点包括她作为副制片人PBS系列,他们找好(在美国犹太人的历史);生产和指导有关纽约的抵押贷款公司的中产阶级化的短片,视频奥杜邦协会;和她担任制片人和导演的一系列短片曼哈顿早期学习的学校。故事一直都是她的激情,纪录片和叙述。Foursite电影节授予她短故事脚本,“姐姐的守护者”,最佳短片剧本。然后韦伯州立大学学生在奥格登,犹他州的电影。她最近完成了短纪录片,一个美国被子,缝合在一起的我们对被子的9/11记忆板为9/11的受害者已经收到全世界在电影节最高奖项。数字电影制作的警察是在纽约艺术学院教师十年了。 There she was able to inspire her students with her love of story, and character. Collaborating with others to make films is unique to the filmmaking art. She has been very fortunate to have found talented and dedicated artists to work with. Roz has been a member of New York Women in Film since 1990. As co producer of the semi annual Archive Committee interviews, Roz was able to provide some of her best students with opportunities to assist on these professional shoots and network with those in the industry. She realizes the importance of recording the accomplishments of women in the industry and also preparing the next generation of filmmakers. She holds an MFA from NYU’s Tisch School of the Arts, where she was honored with the Paulette Goddard Scholarship and received the Judge’s Special Merit Award for Directing.
