
188博金宝网页Sundance Collabl提供了强大的在线课程,以圣丹斯的精神来放大您作为讲故事的人的独立声音。加入我们的全球社区,磨练您的手艺,与其他创作者建立联系,并制定职业策略,以帮助您浏览电影和电视行业。

掌握视觉讲故事就像学习一种新语言(屏幕的语言),这是导演作品的关键组成部分。加入电影制片人,作家兼教育家彼得·马克汉姆(Peter Markham),他在线周末进行了直播。在三天的时间里,从拍摄和相机的角度探索了动态图像的实际美学专业知识。

You will learn about what is inherent in visual language and what depends on context and usage, about composition and mise-en-scene, shot selection, size and framing, about passage of time in a shot and the ‘flow of energy’, about the nature of images, as well as camera placement, angle, movement, modes (observing, passive, dynamic, participatory, complicit), and more. As a class, you will analyze scenes across genres and styles to learn how to command your own unique visual style. This Intensive will provoke new ways of approaching your work and will allow you to share and connect with other directors.


  • 对视觉讲故事感兴趣的董事希望深入了解专家的指导。


