Cutter’s Way

Institute History

  • 1985 Sundance Film Festival


Cutter’s Way(released originally asCutter and Bone) is an engrossing psychological drama about Alex Cutter’s bizarre scheme to expose a powerful oil company executive he’s convinced is a murderer. John Heard is magnificent as Cutter, the physically scarred and embittered war veteran who masterminds the plan that slowly overwhelms his disbelieving companion (Jeff Bridges) and his disillusioned wife (Lisa Eichhorn). Passer’s eye for detail and talent for direction is nowhere more apparent.

Screening Details

  • Section: Highlights: Petit, Truffaut, Passer, Corman's Prodigies
  • Film Type:Dramatic Feature
  • Country:U.S.A.
  • Run Time: 105 min.
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