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亚伦·布鲁克纳(Aaron Brookner)在“霍华德叔叔”中庆祝一个心爱的家庭成员和纽约过去的纽约

Director Howard Brookner made his initial mark on the cinematic landscape in 1983 with Burroughs: The Movie, a widely praised look at legendary beat generation writer William S. Burroughs, which also served as a document of New York’s fabled downtown scene during what many consider its artistic heyday. Brookner’s follow-up was another acclaimed non-fiction film, 1986’s Robert Wilson and the Civil Wars, about the famed theater director.

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访谈:理查德·坦妮(Richard Tanne)将观众与奥巴马(Obamas)在“南边和你一起”的第一次约会

第一个日期可能很尴尬,但它们常常使电影院迷人。以理查德·林克莱特(Richard Linklater)的日出前和安德鲁·海格(Andrew Haigh)的周末的传统,与您一起,随着观众有机会了解它们,Southside与您互相认识。
What distinguishes writer-director Richard Tanne’s first feature from the pack is the protagonists here are 26-year-old attorney Michelle Robinson (Tika Sumpter), who is rather reluctantly squired around Chicago one summer afternoon with her firm’s new associate, 28-year-old Barack Obama (Parker Sawyers).

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电影实验:Michael Almereyda与Heady Psych Drama“实验者”回来

Michael Almereyda的新电影实验室的主要角色是社会心理学家,道德思想家,创新者和电影制片人。While it would be too convenient and reductive to draw too solid a line between Stanley Milgram, author of the still enlightening, still controversial “obedience experiments” and the director, it’s not hard to see why an artist of Almereyda’s intellect and formal dexterity would be attracted to his story. Among many other things, Milgram was interested in what people are capable of doing to one another and why, how they respond to authority, how they form communities, how they manage to morally justify their actions and their lives—matters of supreme interest to a dramatist and director of actors by trade.

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文森特·卡塞尔(Vincent Cassel


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在我们最近的谈话中的某一时刻,Sky Ferreira与Lorelei Linklater,导演Richard Linklater的女儿,也是他奥斯卡奖的戏剧《少年时期》的女演员同情。这位23岁的歌手证明了相似之处,他听到了洛雷利(Lorelei)在第一次看电影中大声疾呼的故事。这是对她的成年的反应 - 包括“尴尬阶段”。

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电视编辑Erica Freed Marker的5个问题

Erica Freed Marker是2015年Sally Menke纪念编辑奖学金的获得者。The fellowship honors the memory of the beloved Sundance Institute mentor and prolific editor Sally Menke by supporting an emerging narrative editor’s understanding of craft, expanding their artistic community, and providing momentum to their editing career through participation in the Directors Lab and year-round mentorship from several accomplished editors. This year, Marker will work closely with Dylan Tichenor (co-editor, Zero Dark Thirty, The Town, There Will be Blood) and two other editing mentors.

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